
Thursday, March 21, 2013


So, I have a secret. I suffer from NAD (Netflix Addiction Disorder). I seriously cannot go a day without watching an episode (or season) of whatever I am watching. I have spent countless amount of hours just sitting or laying in bed indulging, drowning myself in my current favorites. I sometimes don't even pay attention to Mark when he talks to me while I am watching. It's that bad. Well, I mean I am up all night with the baby because he sometimes turns into this nocturnal infant who just wants to coo and drool and stare at you - so what is a Momma to do?! Plus, the fact that I am currently a stay-at-home Mom doesn't help either. My oldest Son goes to school in the morning and the baby usually is asleep until his brother comes home from school.

I don't know how I am going to cope with this addiction when I am back in the working world, but I will try my best to withdraw from thinking about it. Let's see how that one will work.

Currently watching How I Met Your Mother - started last week and I am already in the middle of Season 4. That doesn't even come close to the time I finished all 80 episodes of Prison Break in 4-5 days. That's when I just gave birth to my youngest son and I was literally awake 24/7. That should be some kind of a Guinness record. A whole series in 4 days?! I think so!

Another show that I am addicted to is Criminal Minds. Don't even get me started on Mr. Spencer Reid. Just, don't. I might not be able to stop. Everything about him is just so......sexy, and loveable, and orgasmic..and..ok, stop. I need to stop right there. Ladies, don't even tell me you feel any different towards him. Aaron Hotchner is also a babe. I'd tap that. Just kidding!

Anyway, it's time to bath the babies. Just wanted to type something because I am so gotdamn bored right now. The kids are playing together and Mark is at work. He has been working over-time all this week while he does 2 jobs. I feel so bad that I'm just here at home, laying around...but let me tell you taking care of kids is not an easy task, well unless they are taking naps, but still. I got it easy right now. I feel so blessed to have such a caring hubby who never gets tired of my nagging. However, I gave him two of the most priceless treasure he could ever have.

This is going nowhere. I came on to blog about my addiction, well there it is. Until next time...take care.

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